
If you have longed to use your voice in service, can move comfortably between confidence and humility, and are willing to look at your own and others’ mortality, this singing may be for you. Members must be able to sing softly in tune, hold their own part, and be able to blend with others. We invite new members each year.

learn about singing with us

Our Frequently Asked Questions provide more information about the choir. If you are interested in joining, How to Join Threshold Singers of Ann Arbor gives details on this process, which allows us to get to know you and you to find out about us before making a mutual decision about joining.

inquire about membership

We welcome inquiries from women who would like to know more about joining voices in service to those who need comfort. to ask about membership. We can answer your questions, and help you explore whether threshold singing might be for you. We’d also be glad to add you to the email list for our next introductory meeting.

Please contact our membership coordinator at
734) 531-7960 or 

current members

Please click here for the private member page.