
Threshold Singers of Ann Arbor is a group of women who sing in small groups for those at the thresholds of life. We offer ease and comfort through a cappella songs in close harmony. We recognize the privilege of being invited into each recipient’s life at a significant threshold.

who are our singers?

All kinds of people are drawn to bedside singing, for all kinds of reasons. Some of us come after experiencing “the shiver” when learning about the group. Some of us come after caring for a family member or because we are already hospice volunteers. We come from many different traditions. Some of us practice traditional religions, and some have a personal form of spirituality that has no label.

Some of us come as accomplished musicians; many do not. We learn to carry our parts and blend our voices, some by reading music and others learning by ear.

At rehearsals, we practice singing and learning new songs. Our primary objective is to prepare for singing in small groups at bedside. We focus on simple quiet songs, blending our voices and singing in harmony. Please visit our member page if you think you might like to join us.

about the organization

All singers support the choir and its mission. Many serve on committees, such as: the Board of Directors, the Administrative Committee, the Music Committee, and the Evaluation Committee. One maintains the calendar, others work on the website, one serves as Treasurer. Our Director plans and directs rehearsals. A team coordinates requests to sing at the bedside; another welcomes new members and keeps member records; someone keeps music records and is our music librarian. We truly love working with each other and those with whom we share our voices.

We are a part of Threshold Choir International (TCI), an international organization with more than 175 chapters in the U.S. and a number of other countries. TCI has a repertoire of around 500 songs, most of which have been created specifically for bedside singing by Threshold choirs.

support our work

We gratefully accept gifts from anyone who feels called to support our work. Donations help pay for our rehearsal space, printing costs, conference fees, and a modest stipend for our rehearsal leader.

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reflections on our origins~
from founder Tammy Renner

In 2005, I experienced the profound power of music to bring peace to those on the threshold of death. My mother was in home hospice, dying of cancer. In her last days, I stayed with her, singing and playing the recorder, harp, and piano. The music calmed her and helped my family express feelings for which we had no words. In those precious days, I felt more grateful for the gift of music than ever before. In my professional life, it has been my joy to teach piano, recorder, and singing to students of all ages. After mom’s death, I wanted to bring the potent gift of her experience into my teaching.

The way opened when I met Kate Munger and learned about threshold singing. Kate founded the first Threshold Choir in 2000 after her own powerful experience singing to a dying friend. Now, there are more than 175 choirs, with more forming every year. In 2007, I invited some singing friends to join me in starting the Threshold Choir of Ann Arbor, now known as Threshold Singers of Ann Arbor. Several months later, two of us sang for a friend who was dying of cancer ~ our first choir experience in the sacred space that surrounds death.

When we entered the room, our friend was under bright fluorescent lights, her parents anxiously attending a noisy telephone. We asked permission to turn down the lights and unplug the phone, sat next to her, and began to sing. Soon, our friend, her family, and other visiting friends were completely transformed by our soothing songs. As we left, her parents and friends joined us in singing goodbye to her.